Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nursery is Finished

Andy and I had met a few weeks ago with Natalie Brockman, a good friend from church who does lots of painting and murals all over the state, to see if she could come up with a little something to do on the walls of the nursery. We showed her our bedding, which basically consists of lots of different soft colors, the alphabet and a few baby animals to match the letters. Natalie came up with the idea of putting some Bible verses that start with different letters, and we quickly agreed. The last week or two, we chose our Bible verses, and on Wednesday, Natalie was able to come and do the actual painting. We loved the results and would more than recommend her to anyone looking for any type of wall art. (Here's a link to her website Everything she and/or her sister has done is amazing! Here are a few of our photos.


Kelli said...

Looks Great! Enjoy these last few weeks!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Great job Natalie!

Kelly Johnson said...

The nursery looks fantastic! Ready for the little man's arrival. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

it looks awesome..can't wait till he gets here!

Rebekah said...

Everything looks so good!! I'm so excited for you!

Treesh Family said...

I love that idea for the walls! How creative. Natalie did a great job! Looks like you are ready for Baby W.