Friday, March 6, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

I went to the doctor's office Thursday. I am still 2 cm dilated but now 80% effaced. The doctor was surprised by how low he was (which was a little bit surprising to me considering she does this every day :)). We scheduled an induction for next Friday, but the doctor felt confident that we "would not make it" that long. I have been having a good number of contractions this week. Monday they were about 20 minutes apart from 10:00am until I went to bed (we were definitely packing our bags), but by the next morning, they had stopped. I also had several hours Wednesday where contractions were about 15 minutes apart. Since then it's just been sporadic, but I think he's definitely getting ready to make his exit.

Thanks to all those who have been praying for us. My parents will be back in town late Friday night, so it looks like we've about made it past that milestone and that he's heeded his Grammie's instructions about staying inside until she returns :). Continue to pray for patience as we wait this last little bit for our little guy to arrive.


The Goad Family said...

Yeah! It's the home stretch now. Can't wait to see little baby boy Waldroup. :) So excited for you both!

majorfam said...

Dana, I just found your blog a couple weeks ago. I have loved catching up in your life. I am so excited for you guys and the upcoming arrival of your new little man. You are going to be a great mommy! Hope all is well! Allison (Adkins) Major