Sunday, February 8, 2009

Big Weekend

We had a lot of excitement last weekend. Andy's parents came in town late Friday for a threefold purpose:

First, my Dad had graciously shared a set of basketball tickets for the four of us to the UK vs. South Carolina game. While the Cats couldn't pull it out, it was certainly close and exciting. (The baby enjoyed it, too :). We also got to end the evening with a trip to P.F. Chang's with Eric & Joni Beth as well as Lee's cousin, Sam Drake, who we had not gotten to see since he moved back to Lexington a few months before.

Second, we had our church baby shower after the service on Sunday. (More info and pictures will follow.) So, Lee and my mom were both able to be in attendance for that. Also, Denny and Lee were able to come to our Sunday School class and add a good bit of experience to the parenting study ("Shepherding a Child's Heart") we are doing.

Third, after a year in the deacon yokefellow program at Porter, Andy had his deacon ordination in the evening Church service. So it was wonderful to have his parents, Eric & Joni Beth, and my mom there to celebrate that with us as well.

It was a wonderful time of being together and celebrating so many things...but by Sunday night, I was ready for bed and even a little tired on Monday as well.

Oh, and one more important detail...Andy and I were able to head over to see Shannon, Mark and Baby George on Saturday morning. Though, a bit tired, mother, dad and baby all seemed to be doing well on their second day home. But, I forgot to get pictures in all the excitement :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really wonderful and meaningful weekend (except for UK's loss...) Andy, congratulations on your ordination. We are so proud of you. Dana, you look great. Are you about ready for the baby's arrival? I remember being very ready by the last month! Thinking of you both during these exciting days. Kelly