Friday, January 30, 2009

Baby George is here!

So another exciting event this week besides all the stormy weather was the arrival of George Alexander Sloan. Shannon was admitted to the hospital around 9:00pm Tuesday night where they would begin preparing and inducing labor so they could have him during her doctor's shift on Wednesday. He was born Wednesday afternoon. Both mom and baby are doing well and headed home from the hospital Friday afternoon.
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I was able to stop by the hospital to visit after my doctor's appointment on Thursday (which went very well). Many of the Sloan family was visiting when I arrived, and I was only able to stay a few baby George (and baby Waldroup) were both getting hungry :). But we certainly plan to visit this weekend or next week. Here are a few pictures of the new arrival!

In addition to George's arrival, our friends Matt and Kelly welcomed their second son, Graham Robinson, on Monday night. And, we're awaiting the arrival of Brandon & Mandi's baby girl, Molli Back, any time now. Hopefully the ice/snow will hold off for that big event!

We also had one other "milestone" this week. By making it to 33 weeks, baby Waldroup has made it longer than I did, as I arrived about 8 weeks early. Our little guy is certainly growing quickly and moving a good bit. We're excited to have Andy's parent's visiting this weekend for the UK game, our church/friends baby shower, and for Andy's deacon ordination, so you can wait for updates from all that excitement :)

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