Monday, September 8, 2008

We Are Having A Baby!

Sorry, it's taken us so long to get this site started, but we are excited to let our friends and family get a glimpse into our lives as we prepare for our new addition. Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound at 9 weeks. The due date is March 19!


Anonymous said...

Drake's due date was March 19th too! Hope that you have the baby a week early like I did (trust me, you'll understand when you get that far). Dana, you look great! So excited for you both.

Anonymous said...

March 19th seems to be a very popular date for the cousins. Dana, you don't even look like you are having a baby. My tummy sticks out further than yours! I love the fact that you are counting the days. Glad to hear that you have not been sick and are doing so well. How is Andy doing? Any morning sickness yet? ha Can't wait until your Mom comes to Destin and goes shopping in The Baby Boutique. I am sure I have the cutest stuff available. I look forward to market in Atlanta. I will keep my eyes out for you something special. Come on down and see us. Love ya, Aunt Barby and Uncle Barry

Kelly Johnson said...

YaY---I'm so happy you all have a blog now! I can't wait to watch your journey. We love you both and are praying for you and baby Waldroup! :c)

Amanda Bradley said...

Yay!! Congrats to you both! (So you and Shannon are preggers at the same time? Why am I not surprised?) :o) I'll link you to my blog so I can keep up with you all.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I think you were sticking your stomach out at week 8. This will be a fun way to keep up!

Love, Rachel