Friday, May 22, 2009

Sweet Happy Faces

One of our favorite new developments is Joshua's smiley happy moods. Usually after he eats, he'll smile and interact with us for at least half an hour. It is just a joy! Here are a few (okay lots) pictures from one of those times.


Isaac&Kyle said...

Joshua is so cute! Isaac thinks he looks like Eric-so I guess the Waldroup side of the family. I'm sure this stage is alot of fun! We love and miss you! Isaac and Kyle

Anonymous said...

Look at our sweet grandson! I can see a mixture of Andy and Eric's expressions. I love you Josua!
Love, Mimi

Anonymous said...

what awesome pictures! he's since a good smiler and i love the one with his tongue sticking out :)

Kelly Johnson said...

Those are great pictures! He's adorable and has a great smile. :c) Hope we get to see you soon!