Friday, January 30, 2009

Baby George is here!

So another exciting event this week besides all the stormy weather was the arrival of George Alexander Sloan. Shannon was admitted to the hospital around 9:00pm Tuesday night where they would begin preparing and inducing labor so they could have him during her doctor's shift on Wednesday. He was born Wednesday afternoon. Both mom and baby are doing well and headed home from the hospital Friday afternoon.
Publish Post

I was able to stop by the hospital to visit after my doctor's appointment on Thursday (which went very well). Many of the Sloan family was visiting when I arrived, and I was only able to stay a few baby George (and baby Waldroup) were both getting hungry :). But we certainly plan to visit this weekend or next week. Here are a few pictures of the new arrival!

In addition to George's arrival, our friends Matt and Kelly welcomed their second son, Graham Robinson, on Monday night. And, we're awaiting the arrival of Brandon & Mandi's baby girl, Molli Back, any time now. Hopefully the ice/snow will hold off for that big event!

We also had one other "milestone" this week. By making it to 33 weeks, baby Waldroup has made it longer than I did, as I arrived about 8 weeks early. Our little guy is certainly growing quickly and moving a good bit. We're excited to have Andy's parent's visiting this weekend for the UK game, our church/friends baby shower, and for Andy's deacon ordination, so you can wait for updates from all that excitement :)

Ice Storm

So this week was a bit more eventful than the last few. We knew they had predicted bad weather Tuesday and Wednesday. When we arrived home Tuesday night, we unexpectedly found a pretty serious leak dripping from the top of our bedroom window. Dad suggested it was from water, getting under the sheet of ice that had lodged itself on our roof. Andy headed to Lowe's to pick up a new container of caulk, and upon returning, we spent the next three hours--well at least off and on--trying to fix the window. Each time we'd try to seal it, the water would quickly wash the caulk away. About 9:00pm, it occurred to us to try to use the hairdryer to speed the drying process. We finally stopped the water flow around 9:30, which was a HUGE blessing given we lost power sometime between 11:00 and midnight.

We woke up to a semi-cold house but were able to get ready and head toward work. Since my office was also without power (no computers, phone, etc.), "work" for me consisted of spending the day at my parents, where we had the main phone line forwarded to and internet access to try to stay semi-functional. It was interesting to say the least mostly taking calls from trucks that weren't able to make their deliveries to us...but it was also sort of a preview of my plan after baby's arrival to spend a few days a week working from my mom's house. Emma certainly enjoyed every minute with Grammy!

By the time Andy returned to our house after work, the power was back on. We ate with my parents then returned home. By the next day, our office was back up and running as usual.

Miraculously, Andy's plant in Danville--the city that has been in and out of marshal law with all the ice damage--never lost power, and he's been at work every day trying to cover for the many employees that couldn't make it to work.

I'm sure most of those reading this have probably experienced the storm's effects as well...or far worse than we've had it here, but that is our story.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How does this go together?

In the last couple weeks, I (Andy) have spent quite a bit of time putting together all the baby gifts. These include a bouncer, a swing, a pack-and-play, and a stroller. Apparently, the makers of all these things like to be somewhat vague in their instructions, so it has taken a little trial and error. In the end, they're all put together correctly now - I hope. Now all we need is a baby to use all of it, but I guess we have to wait another 9 weeks for him. Everything is still going well with the pregnancy. Dana is sleeping as I write this. Apparently this pregnancy thing makes her tired. Here's a picture of a few of the things I've put together.

Monday, January 12, 2009

30 weeks and counting

We had another fun weekend. Saturday afternoon, Andy went to the UK/Vandy game with my dad, and I headed over to Traci & Mark's to hang out with baby Hallie and baby Ben. Josh and Kelly came in town to go to the game and left Hallie at the Moore's. Our friend Kristy and her son Ben (born two days before Hallie) came over, too, so it was an all out baby party. Andy rode back with Josh and Kelly after the game for a little hang out time. It was fun and a little bit of a baby refresher for those of us who are expecting our own little bundle in 10 more weeks.

On Sunday morning, we started our study of "Shepherding a Child's Heart" in Sunday School. After service, I went to Liz Water's baby shower while the guys headed out to eat. It was a great time to celebrate and spend time with friends. It's hard to believe we're the next Sunday School shower in just a few weeks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Well, we've had a good bit of excitement since the last update. We officially entered the third trimester and had another good doctor's appointment. We are now on the every two week schedule until mid-February.

On the 22nd, our friends Gina and Jonathan welcomed a new baby boy. Baby Calvin weighed in at a very healthy 9 lbs 10 oz. We visited them on Tuesday the 23rd in the hospital.

Then on the 24th and 25th we begain our Christmas celebration with my family. On Thursday afternoon, we headed for Owensboro where we stayed through lunch on Sunday. Here are lots of pictures from both of those celebrations, including several of our baby gifts. We received a good bit of UK gear for our little one, highlighted by a children's book from my mother called "Hello Wildcat" in which the Wildcat take a tour of campus on his way to Rupp Arena for a basketball game. Who would have thought someone had created this? We also received several items from Andy's parents including a burp cloth that read, "I Spit Blue". Emma thoroughly enjoyed the time with both families. You can see her in her Santa cape enjoying all the excitement.

Included in our visit to Owensboro was the Hancock County after Christmas duck massacre led by Andy and Denny. After only an hour, they called it quits and leave a few ducks to fly another day.

While they hunted, I was able to spend some time with my friend Kristin and her family. Kristin's husband, Tyler, is a Navy Lietenant stationed in Germany, but they were able to make it back to Kentucky for the holidays. It was a great time to catch up as we've both had a good deal of excitement the last six months.

For New Year's, Andy had Wednesday and Thursday off. He graciously used his time to clean the house, first, because it just needed cleaning and, second, to prepare for his parent's and grandmother's arrival at our house tomorrow. (All are coming in town for our "family" baby shower on Saturday.) I worked yesterday and half a day today trying to catch up on lots of accounting tasks that need to be finalized in the next week or so. After work, I was able to sneak off with Kristy and Traci to meet Kelly for lunch in Frankfort. With Kelly's little girl, Hallie, and Kristy's little boy, Ben, both at about 10 weeks, we had a great time catching up and playing with the babies. It's hard to believe we'll have our own in just a few short weeks.