Friday, December 5, 2008


Well, we have lots to report as we've again been very busy over the last couple of weeks. We've picked up most of our nursery furniture, the dresser and the bookcase, both of which we found on sale a the Baby's Room and matched the crib. We may pick up a glider or other chair, but other than that, we're mostly done.

Second, we traveled to Owensboro for Thanksgiving. Andy and Denny were bummed that Thanksgiving fell after the end of gun season for deer, but they went after some ducks instead. You can see them here in their hunting gear. We also spent quality time with Andy's parents, Eric & Joni Beth, both grandmothers, and Andy's aunt, uncle and cousins from Georgia. It was a great time squeezed into a few days. Unfortunately we didn't get any group pics with our family, but we did have fun with everyone.

We headed back Saturday morning so I could go to Shannon's family baby shower that afternoon. It was such a great time to catch up with all the Glancy and Sloan families, and it was fun to celebrate Baby George as well. Here are pictures of Shannon's counsins, Stacey and Sarah, her mother-in-law, Maureen, with her nephew, Benjamin, and a group shot of the Sloan girls, Stella, auntie Ruth and aunt Linda. She also promised to post the picture of us together on facebook when my camera battery went out :)

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