Last weekend we traveled over to Grace & Morgan's for the Sunday School Christmas Party. (We had the camera but forget to get it out until we were preparing to leave, so sorry for those who didn't get pictured.) This year, instead of doing a party for those in the class and gift exchange, Erin suggested taking a more service oriented approach. So, one group put together care packages for the military missions, while another group traveled to a nearby nursing home to sing carols to the residents. Andy chose to do the care packages, and I went with the nursing home group. Then, we all returned to Grace & Morgan's for hot chocolate and dessert. It was a wonderful party...with one exception. Through the following week many of us came down with some sort of stomach bug, and I'm wondering if perhaps one of the kids who attended may have shared a little too much. In our house, Andy got it Saturday night. This left me to sort of fill in for him in Sunday School the next morning. He already had his lesson prepared, so it wasn't too difficult. But I greatly appreciated everyone stepping up and participating to help me :). Andy was out of commission Sunday and Monday. Despite our best effort with hand sanitizer, Lysol and trying to avoid each other, I came home from work mid-day Monday, and stayed home Tuesday as well. Thankfully, though, God protected me and our little buddy, as I didn't have it nearly as badly as Andy or as some of the others that I talked to later in the week. By Wednesday, Andy and I were both back to normal.
While I wasn't sure earlier in the week, I was able to go do my "sugar test" for gestational diabetes on Thursday morning and attend my doctor's appointment. Everything went well, and, thankfully, I passed the test without complication. We are officially in our third trimester, so I will be going back to the doctor's office every two weeks until my final month, when appointments will be weekly. My stomach is also beginning to show that we're in the home pun intended :).
This week, we'll be staying in Lexington for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, then heading to Owensboro on Christmas night to spend time with Andy's family, including his aunt Georgina and uncle Roger who will be in from Northern Virginia. We're definitely looking forward to time with family and a few days off of work, as we've both been VERY busy, especially with missing time our illnesses this week.